The product is designed and manufactured by DPS VN . Use for model 1/14 - The product is made of stainless steel . Products to order: 5-7 days . Price 1399$ including worldwide shipping
Read moreThe product is designed and manufactured by DPS VN
- Use for model 1/14
- The product is made of stainless steel
Design of semi-trailer with chassis frame: Including 2 main girders and many horizontal beams.
Semi-trailer size: 50ft
Load: 150kg
Floors, tanks, cisterns, cisterns
Traction battery (also known as load bearing battery)
Pull pin
Support legs: Raised when the trailer is attached to the trailer, lowered to support the trailer when removed from the vehicle by handwheel.
Shaft (bridge): 2 axles
Twist lock: Lock the upper container with the bottom trailer
Suspension system
Wheel/tire: double tire
Product weight: 12kg
Packing size: 94*27*31cm
- Paint color as required, please choose color option and note the color you want
This special option is only available at DPS VN: Paint the color according to customer preferences
Choose color option, please leave a message about the color you want to paint
The standard version uses Trailer legs lift and lower manually
Customers who want to upgrade their electric trailer legs, please choose the option below